As a point of comparison, the SRP for The League of Gentlemen - The Collection
As a point of comparison, the SRP for The League of Gentlemen - The Collection
Sci Fi Wire is reporting that the BBC is going to release the 2005 series of Doctor Who directly to DVD here in the USA, skipping over any US cablecast. It looks like it's going to be just what I had hoped for earlier today.
I saw two posts over on Boing Boing [by Cory Doctorow , Xeni Jardin] referencing an article in Fortune about how the Anime companies have embraced technology and fans to make money.
I see that Neil Gaiman (and more particularly his daughter)reviewed the new Doctor Who.
There's an interesting article about the upcoming series from UK Television, describing a "Doctor Who effect". One of the things that is perhaps the appropriate comparison to where Doctor Who is in the UK at the moment is something like Lost.
Appropriately enough for Doctor Who's anniversary, TV Shows On DVD has posted news that the long-awaited Beginning boxset, which contains the first thirteen episodes that started 42 years ago today, from An Unearthly Child to The Brink of Disaster.
Doctor Who fandom, perhaps more than any other franchise that I can think of, has institutionalized it's anniversary. Even for those of us that aren't in Doctor Who's country of origin recognize it, reaching back to distant memories of seeing The Five Doctors for the first time on November 23, 1983, or the legends of the mythical Chicago conventions held by multiple organizations and groups over the Thanksgiving weekend across three decades. (Chicago TARDIS is the current incarnation. I'm not going this year, but if you're in the area..)
Obviously, one scene is way too short to judge David Tennant -- especially something that's little more than a quick little teaser for The Christmas Invasion -- but no problems so far...
I was watching an episode of the Teen Titans cartoon (Homecoming). In it, the Teen Titans and Doom Patrol fight a disembodied Brain, called, well, Brain, and in it, he's clearly sitting on a converted Dalek base, with slits and Dalek bumps.
Friday is probably the biggest day of David Tennant's career -- he's in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire playing Barty Crouch Jr, and then he also appears in his first starring scene as the Doctor as part of the Children In Need Appeal and perhaps more significantly, the scene is going to be made available online as well, making it accessible around the world.
Once again, refreshing on some of the previous Doctor Who content I've written over the years...
I'm not sure if one way to prime this site is to recycle links to old content -- especially as it looks like the main way old articles and reviews show up are by people googling for the topic of that article.
Labels: reviews
This site is going to be a new site relating to Doctor Who and the 2006 spin-off series Torchwood, with an eye to promoting both series to an American audience.