The Torchwood Institute - A Doctor Who and Torchwood Blog

Monday, October 29, 2007

Unexpected Who Spotting

I don't really expect to see a Doctor Who reference in an American political blog like Wonkette.


Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Dalek Invasion of Halloween

I know you want to turn a pumpkin into a Dalek.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

King Lear

If, like me, you couldn't justify the hundreds of dollars to see The Royal Shakespeare Company tour at the Guthrie Theater with Ian McKellen and Sylvester McCoy, you can at least see a brief clip of it.

A Doctor in my town for a whole week, and it's unlikely that I'll even see him once... :)

[but you can see me with one of the Doctors I have seen this year....]