The Torchwood Institute - A Doctor Who and Torchwood Blog

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Fall of the Cybermen

It's sort of sad that all of the various sites that were nicely produced for Series Two in the UK like the one for Cybus Corporation are now promotional sites for the new Torchwood promotional site -- meaning that everything that would now make sense for people watching the series for the first time in the US and Canada have now been converted to promotional material for a series that we're months away from getting on television on this continent.

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At 9:43 AM, Blogger Romana1 said...

I know-sometiems it really sucks to be an American fan of British Sci-Fi. I guess it's old news to them...or it was never meant for those outside the UK. I wonder if it has something to do with rights and licensing. Most American scifi shows have sites that is accessible to everyone in the world, don't they? Or do we not notice because we are in the U.S.?

At 12:31 PM, Blogger Sumisu said...

Agreed: they were never meant for folks outside the UK... and given the way SciFi HACKS up Doctor Who, neither was the program itself: Scifi is just showing ads for the DVD set because the program is unwatchable the way they show it.

But who cares about the Promo sites? What I want to know is why the Torchood & Doctor Who sites are so 1998??? don't get me wrong I LOVE all the images they provide for downloading but the sites are really awful.

At 5:31 AM, Blogger Richie L said...

I agree, I am pretty sure this isn't an official BBC site so it's not meant to link in with the story line of the current series of Torchwood or Doctor Who. It's still quite cool though.

P.S. Enter "delete" as the password when trying to access the restricted files.


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