The Torchwood Institute - A Doctor Who and Torchwood Blog

Monday, October 23, 2006

Official Business

Now that Torchwood has launched in the UK, the official has an interesting flash design. I'm sure at least one person will go here when they meant to go there...

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At 9:32 AM, Blogger Peter F May said...

It is must see tele, for certain.

I think it's a prog that rewards a second view. I didn't get everything first time I know -- such as the preserved hand being The Doctor's.

I'm not sure it's fully hit its stride yet, and it has raised many more questions than it has so far answered after 2 episodes. (Such as how an Institute set up by Queen Victoria to protect Britain from off-planet threats ends up not only "separate from the government, outside the police, beyond the United Nations" etc) but headed by an alien.

But with a sex monster that feeds off human orgasms, murder, graphic death of a leading Torchwood member, and a lesbian snog it's already gone places the Doctor hasn't.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Earendil said...

I am loving this series so far. I just hope they release the DVDs for Region 1. If not the US, then Canada at least. Watching it on my computer is just not the same.

Am I the only one that is really wanting a Torchwood screen saver? The blue thing in the background of their computers (is that the rift? never figured that out) would rock.

At 11:59 AM, Blogger pscnewyork said...

Been searching for Torchwood screen too...seems well guarded secret ...probably alien tech!


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