The Torchwood Institute - A Doctor Who and Torchwood Blog

Friday, December 22, 2006

Torchwood in US update

As part of Julie Gardner's interview on Radio Wales she was asked a question about Torchwood in America. While she didn't confirm any sale, she did say that she hoped that it would cross over in the new year. That matches up more or less with my expectations.

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At 2:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was told about Torchwood by a friend. He asked me to download an episode for him. I watched that episode, and as it happens it was featuring Gwen in Random Shoes. I am not afraid to say I was hooked on Torchwood instantly, Gwen as well. I struggle to remember a television program with the quality of acting that Torchwood displays with each episode. The depth and emotion of the characters is....well....gripping.
With each episode I find myself more and more emotionally attached to the actors and there struggles. I know that this show will continue to be a huge success, and I can only hope that it will air in America soon. America longs for this level of craftsmanship bonded and polished with these powerfully written scripts. In closing I wish to express my earnest thanks to Gwen, whose powerfully emotional acting renewed my faith in talented, and HOT, television actors.(actresses if you prefer). I'll end by standing and just saying.....BRAVO....BRAVO


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