The Torchwood Institute - A Doctor Who and Torchwood Blog

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

In Local News...

Finally -- with only two episodes left in the first series left to air on Sci Fi, the Twin Cities City Pages has a pretty positive review of the series -- though you do have to wade through a few paragraphs of gentle sneering at some of the attendees of Chicago TARDIS.

But it is a review of Doctor Who by someone who wrote a book about her experiences as a stripper, which has to make it one of the more interesting reviewers Doctor Who is going to get.

It's the flip side of what Paul Cornell talked about a few months ago though -- there's something glorious about these spaces that generally try to be accepting of the people that are on the socially awkard side. After all, "every lonely boy must learn how to dance".

And I think those of us who are at all geeky find some comfort in knowing that there's someone more out there than you are. That might be one of the real tricks about Doctor Who -- there's really no one truly geekier than the Doctor. Even Christopher Eccleston's Doctor is still just a geek going through a phase; like Lindsay quitting the Mathletes.

I think it's somehow fitting that this article in a local paper appears on the 20th anniversary of the first Doctor Who convention in the Minneapolis/St Paul area.

I'm amused that the BBC America Shop version of the Series 1 Boxed Set has apparently been imported from the alternate reality where Paul Abbott wrote an episode for the first series as was rumored in the very early days.

Shows what they know!


At 9:50 PM, Blogger Fettuccine Alfredo said...

I find it uproariously hysterical that your beloved show is a RATINGS FAILURE in the states. Have you seen the viewing numbers?? LOL. TREK RULES ALL you pathetic who geek.

Like your new one will get any ratings here? He's a total flamer.


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