The Torchwood Institute - A Doctor Who and Torchwood Blog

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hugo Nominated

The following Doctor Who episodes were nominated for Hugos for best Dramatic presentation, short form, according to a post on rec.arts.sf.fandom and I would imagine will be posted on this year's Worldcon website.

  1. Doctor Who "Dalek" Written, Robert Shearman. Directed, Joe Ahearne. (BBC Wales/BBC1)

  2. Doctor Who "The Empty Child" & "The Doctor Dances" Written, Steven Moffat. Directed, James Hawes. (BBC Wales/BBC1)

  3. Doctor Who "Father's Day" Written, Paul Cornell. Directed, Joe Ahearne. (BBC Wales/BBC1)

Dalek airs 04/14/2006 on the Sci Fi channel.
Father's Day airs 04/28/2006 on the Sci Fi Channel.
The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances should air in May, but have yet to be scheduled.


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