The Torchwood Institute - A Doctor Who and Torchwood Blog

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Who is....

I'm impressed. I watched tonight's Battlestar Galactica, Downloaded, and saw that Sci Fi aired their first Doctor Who trailer twice. I think it's obvious that it's only their "first" trailer, because it doesn't even explicitly name the series. In my mind, that's a sign that they expect it to do well -- and that anyone seeing that trailer will either know that it's about Doctor Who -- or that they will know very soon that it's about Doctor Who.

And wow.... Battlestar Galactica was fantastically good tonight. If you're not watching it, you should be. One of the reasons why I've been hoping that Doctor Who would end up on Sci Fi is that even though it's very different from Battlestar Galactica, they're both revivals of classic Science Fiction television concepts done in a modern style.


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