The Torchwood Institute - A Doctor Who and Torchwood Blog

Monday, May 28, 2007

Torchwood America

Outpost Gallifrey Newspage reports that BBC America is running trailers for Torchwood, saying that it will start airing on Saturday, September 8th.

This actually makes a fair amount of sense -- I thought it was strange for a while that we wouldn't see Torchwood on American television until after Series Three of Doctor Who aired on the Sci Fi channel -- but I presume it'll be between when series two and series three air on BBC America.

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At 2:12 PM, Blogger icemith said...

We, too in Australia, are gearing up for "Torchwood", as the short trailers are aring on local National ABC Television for the series start later this month. I was racking my brain trying to remember why the name was familiar. I knew it was Sci-fi, but had forgotten all about the link to "Dr Who". At least googling the name yielded some info.

Now I have to chase references to mentions last year or earlier in blogs or whatever, as there is still a nagging feeling I haven't remembered something important.



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